Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Almost a month

It is so hard to believe that Ella will be a month old tomorrow. The time goes so fast! She is growing so much, I just wish she could stay little forever. Although the sleeping thing would have to improve. She is doing better at sleeping, she sleeps about 4 hours and then 2 and then 1, almost every night. I love the first 4 but the 2 and 1 gets old.
Last week we got to use our stroller for the first time. She slept the entire time, what a surprise. Looks like nice weather this week so we will get to go out again.
I just can't take enough pictures of her.

Look at me I learned to smile yesterday. It was the cutest thing. At first I thought maybe it was just a fluke, but then she did it a couple of times. Nathaniel hasn't seen it in person, but I am so glad I got this picture :)
One other thing that she has learned is how to projectile poop. Last week I was changing her diaper on the couch and as I am cleaning her she explodes and shoots poo all over me and the couch. Then at 6 this morning she did the same thing on the changing table, but about 10 times worse. It was all over the changing pad the table and even the carpet. I bet it shot 3 feet, no exaggeration we will probably have the stains in the carpet. So if anyone has any tips as to how to get it out let me know. Oh the joys of motherhood.
Hopefully this weekend we can figure out the video camera and actually get some video posted for all to see, so check for that.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Ellla

Here are some more pictures of Ella since we have been home. We are all doing well. We are now on our own without family, but a big thanks to both of our mom's for coming and helping out. First day home sitting in the sun to get rid of my jondice.

Snuggling with my Daddy

Wow! My eyes are actually open!

How cute am I?

My cute Easter Dress